Sunday, September 11, 2016


This week we talk tsunamis…I recently read in EOS that these natural phenomenon also happened in ancient Mars, having found evidence of 120 m tall waves billions of years ago..

We are obviously more worried about the possible ones here…we actually have a 'Tsunami Preparedness Week', this year held between March 20-26.

A tsunami risk map of the States shows the area along the ring of fire, Hawaii and the West coast, and the US Caribbean islands as the most threatened areas.

In fact, devastating tsunamis have struck North America before and are sure to strike again.. these days the agencies are focusing on faster tsunami warnings, maybe with GPS, or maybe mobile technology, to give people more time to escape to higher ground.

If you are in an area of risk, you should be prepared. The website has specifics on what to do.

A lot of useful information can be found online, like the website 'tsunamizone'. If you live in CA, there is an interactive map -below- where the areas of possible risk are colored in pink. Check that website out and see if you are at risk-

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