Saturday, August 24, 2019

Tectonics explains a LOT of natural hazards

This week 2 we are exploring plate tectonics and how important it is to know the location of the plate boundaries, and how it is closely related to some natural hazards, like volcanoes or earthquakes.

In the US, the NOAA map below shows how the Easter part of the States is a passive margin, and the Western side of the country is a very active one, with the Pacific Plate, Cocos, Juan de Fuca plates connecting to the North American plate. Not a surprise we are on the ‘Ring of Fire’, where a lot of the volcanic and seismic activity happens!

Of course, there are a few exceptions, like the activity of Hawaii within the Pacific plate (hot spot) or the New Madrid area (ancient rift) within the North American Plate, both not at plate boundaries, but that will be another post another time...

We might not know when events like volcanic eruptions or big earthquakes will happen [note that a lot of these happen underwater...], but if you know your Tectonics, you definitely know where the do!

Thursday, August 15, 2019


Hello Geol9,

Welcome to class. 

We start the semester in peak months of the Hurricane Atlantic Season. NOAA forecasters monitoring oceanic and atmospheric patterns say conditions are now more favorable for above-normal hurricane activity since El Nino has now ended.

Stay tuned...