Sunday, October 4, 2015

Obama declares South Carolina state of emergency: Worst Flooding in 1,000 years

This week we all watched hurricane Joaquin (right) move north from the Bahamas and heard how bad the flooding potentially would be for the East Coast…people prepared for massive flooding…
And the 1-in-1,000-year rain event came….curfews have been ordered, dozens of people are in need of rescue, several interstates are closed and five people are dead in some of the worst flooding South Carolina has ever seen, officials just said. Emergency managers sent out a statewide alert telling people to remain indoors.

President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency in South Carolina and ordered federal aid to help state and local efforts.
Charleston has received more than 14 inches of rainfall since the historic event began Friday. One area northeast of Charleston has reported more than two feet of rain….Coastal flooding and erosion are a great concern in seven states...We’ll all be watching how this evolves in the upcoming days..
Update 10/7/15:  62 dams across the state are being monitored, and 13 had already failed. There are two people missing and 17 killed so far. 

More at:


  1. Last week I was in the New England states and many people I talked to at the time were concerned about the hurricane hitting the area. In the middle of that week I was traveling south through New Hampshire to Salem Mass and the rain was coming down in sheets. It was fine on Thursday and Friday but if the rain had kept coming down like it had on Wednesday, many areas may have started having flooding problems like South Carolina.

  2. This is unfortunate this happened, I thought this flooding only occurred in the states but the Bahamas has also suffered from Joaquin. This mostly hit the Eastern and Southern area of the island. It is very unfortunate that this destroyed homes wit these biohazards and so forth. Also, there was ship that was on sea that is currently missing with people abroard.
